Heirs of Sea and Shadow - The story of Arcan Rees, Act 1, Scene 3
Heirs of Sea and Shadow - The story of Arcan Rees aka Sinder
Act: One
Scene: Three
Setting: Sinder's Cabin
Time: Two days after the fire at Isa Verys
I am a DEMONSPAWN RANGER trying to be HONORABLE despite my HERITAGE. I am the first of my line and will be known for HONOR and EXPLORATION. My home is in Isa Verys, a CABIN that is HUMBLE and PLAIN.
Combat 6 Fight* 9 Flee
Explore 5 Bold 5 Cautious*
Social 3 Aggressive 3 Empathetic*
Skill 7 Ranger* 7 Noble
Weird 6 Demanding 7 Sensitive*
TAGS: Ranger (5), Honorable (4), Heritage (2), Explorer (9), Loner (9), Friendship (1), Evil (1), Magic ( 7), Father
*( #) denotes Dynasty information / Possibility of genetically passing down.
Wounds Minor ( ) ( ) (x ) Major ( ) ( ) Yourself ( )
Status Effects: Laceration left arm (scarred)
Resources: Jinxes, illusions, enchantments (1/2), Home (1)
Friendship - Kodo Alestr (Healer) - How did they meet?
Friendship ;Tasha - Mother, Old Love, hid pregnancy, Moved away to Never, strong willed (10), family oriented (4), Cook (5), Sneak (3)
Child - Emmarees Page, unknown heir, Ranger (2), Honorable (4), Explorer (4), Strong willed (6), cook (1), Sneak (1)
Foresters - Respected
Isa Verys - Tolerated
Upbringing Roll - Raised by EVIL forces
Time Tracker (monthly): 1
Exp: 5
_______________End Character Sheet _______________________________________________
Spent 5 exp to add the Magic tag to Sinder. This reflects Sinders increased usage of Weird and his Ranger abilities to become more in touch with the natural creatures of the world. I had envisioned his resource of, "A supernatural effect or ability", to be an innate magical ability. Perhaps derived from the demon blood. I have updated his character sheet and changed the resource he has access to, "Jinxes,illusions, enchantments", to reflect this change.
Dynasty Information:
I figure Arcan and Tasha were intimate for a couple of months. She wasn't trying to get pregnant but neither of them were doing anything to prevent it. Both were young, spirited, and healthy.
Tasha Pregnancy Rolls: 11 Failure, 5 success
1-3 boy, 4-6 girl: 4 girl
Name: Emmarees Page
Passed on traits: Ranger (2), Honorable (4), Explorer (4), Magic (7), Strong Willed (6), Cook (1), Sneak (1)
Sinder given the tag "Father".
Wounds cleared, status effects erased, and current numbers reset to reflect the returning to current time.
Scene 3: Status Quo • Plot Point: Incident
Type: Straight
Purpose: (roll twice) Prepare, Escape
Key words: Phobia, Vice, Mistake
Location: Sinder's Cabin
It is only two days since the fires at Isa Verys. Sinder has returned home and is outside chopping firewood.
Oracle: Is he alone? (33) No, but.....Danger (NPC Friendly)
(They don't call it Wolf Creek for nothing.) The howl of a wolf sounds nearby. Sinder pauses to look in the general direction. He knows he is safe this close to the cabin as long as he doesn't let a pack sneak right up on him. As he continues to split wood, a never ending job, another wolf howls a bit further up the creek, which is quickly followed by a third and a fourth.
"They have caught something." Sinder has been out in the woods long enough to recognize the sounds of a pack closing in on a kill. He pauses briefly listening to the sounds. Over the years he has found a connection with animals. Those naturally occurring animals of the world, not those sickened or twisted by the shadow. Through many trails and errors he had trained himself to accept and embrace that connection. So, somewhat by second nature, he let his senses search out the nearby wolves. A trick he had used several times during his forays into the darkening forest of the Demon Waste.
Sinder wants to connect with a member of the wolf pack in order to see through its eyes to determine what they are hunting. The risk is minor. +1 Ranger, Enchantment resource +1, Weird (sensitive) 5 - 2 = 3 success. Weird current number set to 7. Exp 1.
The first time he had tried this, with the rapid change in perspective and the quick, unpredictable, and uncontrolled head turns, it had made him lose his dinner. He had felt queasy for some time after. He had tried again and again though, to the point where he was prepared for the sensation caused by the change in his sight.
He immediately recognizes the large boulder and large shallow pool of Wolf Creek just over the hill from his home. They were much closer than he had thought. The wolf was not smelling the ground and was running for a tree. More than likely it was hunting by sight at this point. The wolf came to the tree and jumped up and Sinder watched, almost in slow motion, as the wolf sank his teeth into a booted foot. The sound of a woman crying out in pain breaks his bond with the wolf.
Grabbing his bow and quiver, which are always close, and keeping the axe with him he runs full out for the top of the hill which will give him a good vantage point of the area he saw.
Sinder gains the temporary status Combat Advantage.
Oracle: Have the wolves pulled the woman from the tree? (90) Yes, and...she is already severly wounded.
Are the wounds fatal? (34) No, but...it will take her a long time to heal.
Is this someone Sinder knows? (59) Yes
Is it Kodo? (4) No, and.....time is running out
The woman has been pulled from the tree. Blood can be seen on her face and right arm. The left leg of her breaches have been ripped off just above the knee, and blood is flowing freely from a large gash from her shin. She wields a branch like a club and is swinging at two nearby wolves. Three more are circling around behind her. It is only a matter of time before they kill her.
Oracle: Does she see Sinder on the hill? (10) No, and...a wolf attacks
Sinder wants to shoot the wolf that is immediately attacking her, he hopes to kill it quickly. Major risk. +1 ranger, +1 Combat Advantage, Combat (Fight) 7 - 2 = 5 success. Combat current number set to 7. Exp 1.
The arrow flies true and strikes the wolf as it bites into the woman's thigh. The arrow strikes the animal just behind the left front leg, exactly in the mid-line of the body. The aim of the shot causes the arrow to pierce the heart. The wolf dies almost immediately. The woman is fatigued and fading fast, she falls to the ground under the weight of the animal. She still brandishes the club as best as she can.
Oracle: Can Sinder get off a second shot before the wolves figure out what is happening? (92) Yes, and...It can stop the wolves advance.
Does Sinder still have combat advantage from the hill? (93) Yes, and...+2 advantage this shot
Sinder wants to shoot the next wolf that is closest to the woman, he is hoping to kill it, chase it off, or least draw them from her. Major risk.+1 Ranger, +2 Combat Advantage, Combat (Fight) 9 - 2 = 7 Success. Combat current number set to 8. Target Number rolled: Combat Consequence (6) Sneak Attack. Status Effect: deadly aim, Exp. 1.
The woman does not see the wolf sneaking up on her flank. The wolf pounces just as the arrow strikes it in the eye. The wolf yelps as the arrow strikes it full force and penetrates its brain. Its body goes limp, its momentum causing it to crash into the tree at the woman's side. She looks up seeking the source of the arrow but does not spot Sinder.
Five wolves initially, two have been killed leaving only three. Check morale for the wolves.
Oracle: Do the wolves run off? (26) No, but...they turn their attention on Sinder.
Will Sinder be able to get off another shot before they get to him? (84) Yes, but..lose combat advantage.
Sinder knows he will only get one more shot with the bow before the wolves close on him. He steps out onto a nearby boulder in order to get the correct angle to shoot at the approaching wolf.
Sinder wants to shoot another one of the wolves, hoping to kill it or chase it off, before they get to melee range. Risk Minor. +1 Ranger, +1 Deadly Aim, Combat (fight) 8 - 2 = 6 success. Combat current number set to 9. Exp. 1.
Tracking the wolf down the shaft of the arrow as it runs full out in his direction, he leads the shot just enough. The arrow strikes the wolf in the back right leg. The wolf tumbles and stops. It is alive, but currently out of the fight. He has only enough time to drop the bow and heft the axe as the last two wolves crest the hill top and close in on him.
The first one comes in fast, trying to take Sinder off his feet. The second circles to the left.
Sinder wants to catch the wolf with the axe to wound or kill it to avoid being knocked down himself. Risk Major. +1 Ranger, (I don't think deadly aim should apply to the melee weapon so I don't use it.) Combat (Fight) 9 - 1 = 8 success. Combat current number stays at 9. Exp. 1
As the wolf lunges, Sinder sidesteps and pivots putting his full weight behind the blow, the axe catches the wolf just behind the head. A sickening crack can be heard as the wolf falls to the ground thrashing, its neck broken by the blow.
Oracle: Does the second wolf attack while Sinder is fighting the first wolf? (36) No, but....it is the largest of the pack.
Sinder turns and brings the axe to bear on the largest of the wolves. It is slowly circling him, a low, deep, primal growl reverberates in the air. There will be no fleeing for this animal. It makes a quick feint toward Sinders feet, but quickly turns the attack upward aiming for his throat.
Oracle: Does Sinder recognize the feint for what it is? (55) yes
Is there enough room to bring the axe to bear on the wolf? (16) No, but..Sinder has a dagger on his belt.
Does Sinder have enough time to draw the dagger? (77) Yes, but....not before the wolf attacks.
Sinder is unable to bring the axe to bear, he wants to draw the dagger and finish off this wolf and not take a fatal wound in the process. Risk Life. +1 Ranger, Combat (fight) 4 - 1 = 3, Success. Combat current number remains at 9. Exp. 1
Sinder sees the feint at the last minute, a fact which saves his life. Dropping the axe he shoves his left forearm into the animals mouth. The teeth clamp down, and a sharp pain shoots up his arm. Warm blood begins to run down to his elbow and drip off into the fur of the wolf. His eyes water as he struggles with the creature. Reaching over with his right hand, up under the beasts jaw, he grabs the wrist of his left arm, putting the wolf in a front head lock. The wolfs head is held twisted unnaturally limiting its motion. Every time the wolf opens its mouth to bite down he pushes his forearm deeper into the back of the animals mouth limiting the force of its bite. Pushing the wolf forward he slams it up against the boulder then using his left arm like a torque bar he forces the head of the wolf down towards its body. Letting go of his left wrist, he grabs the hilt of his dagger and pulls it free. In one quick motion he extracts his right arm, running the razor sharp edge along the neck of the wolf in the process. The animal thrashes tearing deeper gashes into his forearm. Its claws rip several lacerations into his chest and thighs. Sinder presses his weight onto the animal smothering it under his frame. He maintains his hold until he feels the animal go limp beneath him. Quickly rising he sinks the blade of his dagger between the ribs of the massive wolf delivering a death blow.
Sinder gains a major wound and the status: Laceration left arm which will turn to scarred over time.
Cutting a length of his pants off he makes a quick dressing for his forearm. Collecting his bow and axe. He quickly moves down to the wolf he injured with a bow shot. It is laying still, its breathing rapid. It doesn't even look at him as he approaches.
Oracle: Is this wolf a threat? (23) No, but ..it will die with out aid
Hefting his axe Sinder moves forward to put the young wolf out of its misery. The axe is high and ready to swing when the wolf barely opens its eyes and looks up at him. A stunning realization hits Sinder. This is the wolf he had bonded with, the ones whose eyes he had seen through. All resolve leaves Sinder.
"Be strong little one. I will be back. I will do what I can. I promise nothing."
The hatred he feels for himself at this moment is staggering. "Must I always destroy. Is that all there is to me?" Sinder didn't realize he was talking outloud to himself. Its something he did alone out in the woods or at his cabin. Conversations with himself were common place but he forgot that someone was near who could hear.
"My dear Arcan, you have created much more than you know." The woman smiles, and in that smile Sinder remembers long winters nights made warm.
"Tasha...?" Sinder feels his soul vibrate. He can't find his words.
Tasha steps forward to embrace him but instead collapses at his feet. Exhaustion and loss of blood doing their work.
End Scene
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